Sunday, May 3, 2009

Start from the Center

by Judy Bevilacqua

The other day, after a meeting at church, I started to get into my car when I noticed the weeds in the labyrinth garden. I felt like a neglectful mother! It was nine o’clock in the morning, the sun was out and the next thing I knew I was squatting in the garden, hands in the dirt, in my good shoes, pulling weeds. As I looked out at the desolation of an acre of overgrowth, a wave of discouragement swept over me. It looked like a war-zone, as overwhelming as the nightly news, the economy, poverty and injustice combined. I wanted to run. But instead, I just hunkered down in a 6-foot square of earth and chose gratitude for my attitude. Soon, I felt the sun warming my back, became awake to the sound of birdsong overhead and the noise of children at play. “This is the day the Lord hath made, let me rejoice and be glad in it.” Here was good work I could do, praise I could offer and strength I could receive. In a short time, a satisfying square of weed-free earth emerged. I looked over it and declared, like my Father once did in His garden, “it is good!” That morning the weedy wasteland became my blessing–place.

As I finished up, I glanced over at the labyrinth and decided to walk it before I left. I brushed my gritty hands over my pants, and clear as a bell, I heard God’s silent voice in my head….”start at the center.” What! Skip the walk in? “You ‘weeded in’ today…..all you need to do is walk out.” I had never done this before - skipped this ritual step - and it felt a bit illegal! Where were the labyrinth police? Shamelessly, I crossed over all the lines and went directly to the center, smiling as if God and I shared a guilty secret! Then, I slowly walked out - rejoicing all the way. Gardening with God was a lesson in both my limits and His liberation. An adventure in grace!

A few weeks earlier, a similar incident had happened to me. I had gone to the Cathedral downtown to hear Lauren Artress, a leading educator on the labyrinth. She was delightful and generous with instructive and humorous stories. During the morning, we were challenged to ask a question as we arrived at the center of the labyrinth: “Lord, what is at MY center?” As we adjourned to walk the Cathedral’s beautiful indoor labyrinth, I held that question in my heart. Arriving at the center, I sat silently for a long time. Finally, I reverently, nervously asked God…”Lord, what is at MY center?” There followed a long pregnant pause, then, no kidding, an ironic tone of voice inside me whispered: “I AM!” I wept. Then I laughed! - the sheepish laugh of the absent-minded! I was a little relieved. Ithought God would reveal to me some stinky compost rotting at my center, but instead, there He was, the Eternal Gardener, at home in my heart, hunkered down, tending my soul! So, lately I am trying to remember….start from the center.

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